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首页 > 热点资讯 > 加拿大 > 最新资讯 > 2012年加拿大住房按揭贷款新政全文及中文译文


摘要:(此文由住房按揭贷款专家王红雨编译,中文仅供参考以英文为准。此文来源www.5in.ca由BMO银行资深贷款经纪王红雨先生授权本站全文转载。)Q.为什么政府此时做出这些更改?Why is the Government making these changes at this time? A.这些措施将会维持加拿
  (此文由住房按揭贷款专家王红雨编译,中文仅供参考以英文为准。此文来源www.5in.ca由BMO银行资深贷款经纪王红雨先生授权本站全文转载。)Q.为什么政府此时做出这些更改?Why is the Government making these changes at this time?
  A.这些措施将会维持加拿大房屋和贷款市场的长期稳定,并通过房屋所有权促进储蓄。此举是及时的,有针对性且慎重的。这些措施将强化为借贷的负责任并用房屋所有权作为财富积累。政府积极监控住房市场的发展,并致力于在必要时采取行动。These measures will support the long-term stability of the Canadian housing and mortgage markets and promote savings through home ownership. They are intended to be timely, targeted and measured. The measures will reinforce the importance of borrowing responsibly and using home ownership as a savings vehicle. The Government actively monitors developments in the housing market and is committed to taking action when necessary.
  Q.政府担保贷款保险的规则调整会对加拿大经济产生什么影响?What will be the impacts of the adjustments to the rules for government-backed mortgage insurance on the Canadian economy?
  A.通过维持住房市场的稳定和促进储蓄,这些对于政府担保抵押贷款保险规则的调整将为加拿大经济带来显著益处。由于多数加拿大家庭已经采取了谨慎的态度管理家庭债务,预计对住房市场的短期影响将是可控的。长远来看,预计这些措施将提高的储蓄,降低家庭财务的脆弱,并对经济产生积极的影响。The adjustments to the rules for government-backed mortgage insurance will provide significant benefits to the Canadian economy by supporting the stability of the housing market and promoting savings through home ownership. The short-term impact on the housing market is expected to be manageable, given that the majority of Canadian families are already taking a prudent approach in managing household debts. In the long term, these measures are expected to have a positive impact on the economy through higher savings and a lower number of financially vulnerable households.
  Q.这些措施什么时候生效?When do these measures take effect?
  A.新措施将于2012年7月9日生效。The new measures will take effect on July 9, 2012.
  Q.预计会有进一步的措施吗?Are further measures expected?
  A.政府积极监控住房市场的发展,消费者债务和经济的变化,并致力于在必要时采取行动,以维持房屋市场的长期稳定,保护加拿大家庭的投资。The Government actively monitors developments in the housing market, consumer debt and the economy, and is committed to taking action when necessary to support the long-term stability of the housing market and protect the investment of Canadian families.
  Q.这些措施适用于多单元的建筑吗?Do these measures apply to multi-unit buildings?
  A.这些标准适用于4个单位或以下的住宅类物业的贷款。These standards apply to mortgages on residential property with four units or less.
  Q.为什么政府再一次降低了对房屋再抵押贷款的批准额度?Why is the Government lowering the limit on refinancing again?
  A.此次发布的新措施将房屋再抵押贷款的最高额度由房屋价值的85%减少至80%。限制再贷款的额度将通过房屋所有权促进储蓄,并防止消费债务转移到由纳税人担保的贷款。The new measure announced today will reduce the maximum amount on refinancing to 80 per cent from 85 per cent of the value of the home. Limiting the amount of refinancing will promote saving through home ownership and limit the shifting of consumer debt into mortgages guaranteed by taxpayers.
  Q.为什么政府再一次减少了最长还款期?Why is the Government lowering the maximum amortization period again?
  A.此次发布的新措施将最长还款期由30年减少至25年。减少最长还款期,将降低总利息支出,帮助加拿大家庭更快还清贷款。The new measure announced today will reduce the maximum amortization period to 25 years from 30 years. Limiting the maximum amortization period will reduce the total interest payments Canadian families make on their mortgages, helping them build up equity in their homes more quickly and pay off their mortgages sooner.
  例如,还款期由30年减至25年后,每月还款额将略有增加,但这将降低总利息支出。对于一个利率为4%的35万贷款,总利息支出将减少4万5千以上。For example, reducing the amortization period from 30 years to 25 years on a mortgage would result in a moderate increase in the monthly payment. However, over the life of the mortgage, this modest increase would result in a significant reduction in the total interest payments. For a $350,000 mortgage at 4 per cent interest rate, the interest savings could be over $45,000.
  Q.为什么政府降低了最大债务总额比率?Why is the Government limiting the maximum gross debt service (GDS) and total debt service (TDS) ratios?
  A. GDS比率是家庭支出(如贷款月供,房产税,暖气费用)与家庭收入的百分比。TDS比率是家庭支出和所有其他债务(如信用卡和车贷)与家庭收入的百分比。The GDS ratio is the share of the borrower’s gross household income that is needed to pay for home-related expenses, such as mortgage payments, property taxes and heating expenses. The TDS ratio is the share of the borrower’s gross income that is needed to pay for home-related expenses and all other debt obligations, such as credit cards and car loans.
  新措施宣布将最高GDS比率设为39%并降低最高TDS比率至44%。这两个比率标准已经用于贷款和贷款保险公司,以评估借款人的还款能力。设置GDS限制及降低TDS比率将有助于防止加拿大家庭债务的过度扩张,减少易受经济冲击的家庭的数量,或利率上涨带来的压力。The new measure announced today will set the maximum GDS ratio at 39 per cent and reduce the maximum TDS ratio to 44 per cent. These debt service ratios measure the share of a household’s income that is required to cover payments associated with servicing debt. Both measures are already used by lenders and mortgage insurers to assess a borrower’s ability to pay. Setting a GDS limit and reducing the TDS limit will help prevent Canadian households from getting overextended and reduce the number of households vulnerable to economic shocks or an increase in interest rates.
  Q.为什么政府引入保险按揭的最大允许房价?Why is the Government introducing a maximum allowable price for insured mortgages?
  A.此次发布的措施将只对房价低于100万加币的房屋提供政府担保的高借贷率贷款保险。超过100万加币的房屋,借款人必须提供不少于房价20%的首付款。The new measure announced today will establish that government-backed mortgage insurance is only available for a new high loan-to-value mortgage if the home purchase price is less than $1 million. Because homes priced at or above $1 million would not be eligible for government-backed high ratio insurance, borrowers for these homes would require a down payment of at least 20 per cent.
  对房价的限定,符合政府担保的初衷,即,帮助工薪家庭和首次置业人士,因为这些家庭是需要支持和帮助的大众。Introducing a maximum allowable price will ensure that government-backed mortgage insurance operates the way it was originally intended: to help working families and first-time homebuyers. This measure is expected to have a negligible impact on working families and first-time homebuyers as the vast majority of these borrowers purchase properties priced below the threshold.
  Concerns about borrowers借款人的担心Q.我已经有了一个政府保险的按揭贷款,会有什么影响吗I already have an insured mortgage. How will these changes affect me?
  A.没有影响,即使到期后续约时也没有影响。例如,到期时,只要不增加贷款金额,原定还款期为30年,3年后到期时,可按照还款期27年续约。Mortgage insurance is good for the life of the mortgage. Borrowers renewing their insured mortgages will not be affected by these changes. For example, if a borrower had a 30-year amortization and there are 27 years remaining on the mortgage, the mortgage can be renewed with a 27-year amortization, as long as no new funds are being added to the mortgage.
  Q.新标准执行时有什么例外情况可以考虑?What is required to qualify for an exception to the new parameters?
  A.新标准7月9日生效。7月9日前如果已经签订买卖房合同,或续约合同,将被视为新规则的例外。从6月21日至7月9日之间签订买卖合同并申请贷款的政府保险贷款,如果实际放款日在2012年12月31日之前,也属例外。The new measures will apply as of July 9, 2012. Exceptions will be made to satisfy a binding purchase and sale, financing or refinancing agreement where a mortgage insurance application has been made before July 9, 2012. While the changes come into force on July 9, 2012, any mortgage insurance applications received after June 21, 2012 and before July 9, 2012 that do not conform to the measures announced today must be funded by December 31, 2012.
  Q. 7月9日之前签订的买卖合同,在7月9日前尚未解除合同中条件,且没有得到保险公司批准的贷款,适用新规定吗?Will a purchase and sale agreement dated prior to July 9, 2012 be considered binding if there are outstanding conditions that have not been fulfilled prior to July 9, 2012?
  A.是的。如果7月9日前签订合同,但没有在此前申请保险公司批准的申请,将适用于新规则;如果在7月9日前已经申请,则不适用于新规则,即使买卖房合同尚有条件没有解除。Yes, if the date on the purchase and sale agreement is earlier than July 9, 2012, and a mortgage insurance application has been made prior to that date, the new parameters will not apply, even if the conditions of the agreement have not been waived.
  Q.再贷款申请,贷款金额超过房价的80%,是否可以延长还款期?Will the new refinancing rules allow a borrower with a mortgage above 80 per cent loan-to-value (LTV) to refinance by extending the amortization period?
  A.不可以。7月9日起,再贷款最高金额限制在房价的80%以下,除非再贷款合同和保险合同已经在7月9日前签署No. Effective July 9, 2012, borrowers will not be permitted to refinance a mortgage above an 80 per cent LTV, unless the borrower has a binding refinance agreement dated prior to July 9, 2012, and a mortgage insurance agreement has been made iprior to that date.
  Q.我已经得到银行的预受信批准,批复日期在7月9日之前,还款期30年。如果在7月9日前或之后没有签订买卖房合同,是否适用30年还款期。I have a written mortgage pre-approval from a lender, dated before July 9, 2012 with a 30-year amortization. Will I still be eligible for a 30-year amortization if I don’t sign an agreement of purchase and sale until July 9, 2012 or later?
  A.不可以。除非在7月9日前签订买卖房合同,并申请贷款保险。你现在就可以与贷款银行商议按照新的贷款标准重新审批预授信。No, a mortgage pre-approval without an agreement of purchase and sale is not sufficient to qualify for a 30-year amortization. You may have a 30-year amortization only if your agreement of purchase and sale is dated before July 9, 2012 and you have made a mortgage insurance application before July 9, 2012. You may wish to discuss with your lender to revise your mortgage pre-approval using the new parameters announced today.
  Q.以前的政府担保贷款,在转银行时,是否适用新标准?Will the new parameters apply to assignment (“switch” or transfer) of a previously insured loan from one approved lender to another?
  A.不适用。只要没有延长还款期而且没有增加贷款金额,转银行时都不适用于新标准。No. As long as the loan amount and amortization period are not increased, the new parameters will not apply to a switch/transfer/assignment of the mortgage to a different lender.
  Q.换房时,如果原房屋的贷款是保险贷款,将原贷款余额带入新房贷款时,是否适用新规则?If I sell my current home and buy another, will the new parameters apply if I transfer the outstanding balance of my insured mortgage to the new home?
  A.只要原贷款是保险贷款,贷款与房价的比例(loan to value ratio)以及剩余还款期不增加,转贷款时不适用于新法。As long as the outstanding balance of the insured loan, the LTV ratio and the remainder of the amortization period are not increased, the new parameters will not apply when the mortgage insurance is transferred from one home to another.
  Q.如果换房时,打算将原贷款带入新房贷款,但需要增加保险贷款的金额,适用新办法吗?What if I need to increase the amount of my insured loan when I sell my current home and buy another?
  A.这种情况适用于新办法。In this situation, the new parameters will apply for any insured loan.
  Q.我买了楼花,两年后才建成,适用于本办法吗?If I bought a condo that is not expected to be built for another two years, will the new parameters apply?
  A.如果你已经在今年6月21日前申请了保险贷款,则不适用此办法。If you bought a condo and have made a mortgage insurance application on or before June 21, then the new parameters would not apply.
  如果是在6月21日之后申请保险贷款,则适用于本办法,除非在2012年12月31日之前发放贷款。If you buy a condo and make a mortgage insurance application after June 21, the new parameters will apply if the mortgage loan is not funded by December 31, 2012.


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